Daily Inspiration, May 23rd, 2024

“Return, you faithless children. I will heal your unfaithfulness. ‘Here we are, coming to You, for You are the Lord our God.’” (Jeremiah 31: 22, Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Here we are! We are the children of God, and we are led to recognize this and claim the benefits.

We likely have times when we feel less than faithful to God, to good, to a trust in Truth and Love. We find reasons to blame our Father and His children for challenges we may be facing. We rationalize our doubts and hold fast to our fears. We let our egos, our senses, and the opinions of the world take hold of us and control our attitudes and our lives.

But we are being invited, perpetually, to return to God. We can willingly, humbly, let any faithlessness be healed by the merciful Love of God. We can start fresh, as His children, ready to open our eyes to God’s reality, God’s peace, God’s true and harmonious creation.

We can gratefully release our worship of matter and self for the wonderful embrace of God’s presence. We can return to our true home as God’s children and His beloved.

Fresh inspiration every Tuesday and Thursday right here. If you’d like to receive more messages like these every week day by email, contact me at lauramoliter@gmail.com.  Just write “subscribe” in the subject line, and I’ll gladly add you to the list! Or click here: http://eepurl.com/cElsXE

Would you like to explore ideas like these further and really incorporate them into your life? I offer one-on-one discovery sessions, designed to bring clarity and invite more joy and power and purpose into your life TODAY. I’d love to talk with you! Feel free to contact me at lauramoliter@gmail.com and I can tell you more.

About LauraMoliter

I'm a Divine Purpose Coach and Spiritual Activist. I'm also a poet, a Christian healer, as well as a singer/songwriter and a member of the band Rare Birds in Flight. I live in Austin, Texas, with my husband, Billy. I am also an identical twin.
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