Daily Inspiration, May 21st, 2024

“We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.” (Romans 8: 28, the Voice Translation)

I love the idea of God orchestrating our lives. It gives one a sense of a great conductor bringing all the instruments together to produce something amazing and harmonious, stirring and glorious!

This is what our Father-Mother is doing for us. We can be confident that as we accept His invitation to live in accord with His purpose—humbly aligning ourselves with His goodness and Love—we can bear witness to beautiful things unfolding. We can be a part of that divine orchestra, bringing out the chords each moment requires, with God’s wisdom and clarity behind it all.

Let’s stay expectant of and grateful for God’s ability to bring things to fruition for us. Let’s allow ourselves to yield to His plan, His loving composition, with all its comforting passages as well as surprising delights. Let’s know that we can listen and follow God’s guidance and feel the freedom, uplift, and contentment—both now and later—that His perfect orchestrating naturally unfolds.

Fresh inspiration every Tuesday and Thursday right here. If you’d like to receive more messages like these every week day by email, contact me at lauramoliter@gmail.com.  Just write “subscribe” in the subject line, and I’ll gladly add you to the list! Or click here: http://eepurl.com/cElsXE

Would you like to explore ideas like these further and really incorporate them into your life? I offer one-on-one discovery sessions, designed to bring clarity and invite more joy and power and purpose into your life TODAY. I’d love to talk with you! Feel free to contact me at lauramoliter@gmail.com and I can tell you more.

About LauraMoliter

I'm a Divine Purpose Coach and Spiritual Activist. I'm also a poet, a Christian healer, as well as a singer/songwriter and a member of the band Rare Birds in Flight. I live in Austin, Texas, with my husband, Billy. I am also an identical twin.
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